Ice Season overview

Ice season on Mille Lacs Lake in Central Minnesota lasts 8-12 weeks, generally kicking off with early ice in the first half of December and wrapping at the end of February or a few days into March.  On Mille Lacs Lake the bays lockup and freeze slightly earlier than the rest of the lake and ice formation is impacted by temperature, snow which adds insulation (fluffy snow slows down ice creation the most) and wind.  

Fish House Rentals are generally on the lake by the first weekend in January.  Full vehicle traffic (i.e., any size vehicle, including diesel engines, and big wheelhouses) is usually allowed by mid-January.  

The ice season effectively wraps at the end of February when the walleye angling season closes and fish houses have to be removed from the lake shortly thereafter. 

The Mille Lacs angler typically pursues the following species of fish: walleye, perch, northern pike and tullibee (cisco).  Mille Lacs is known for the evening, overnight and morning bite.  However, committed mobile anglers can have success during the day as well.

Good, strong ice is clear and frequently referred to as black ice.  White ice isn't as strong and the rule of thumb is 2 inches of white ice equals 1 inch of black ice.  The ice thickness guidance below assumes good, black ice. 

Early Ice

The early ice fishing season on the north side of Mille Lacs usually starts during the first half of December.  Once the ice is uniformly 4" inches thick, anglers can hit the lake to pursue the early season bite.   The first and second break are only a short 1,500' walk from shore.  Adventurous anglers can make the 3/4 mile journey to the closest mudflats.  Side by side are generally allowed out on the lake during the second half of December.

ice 4 inches

foot traffic only

Bring your sled and be one of the first anglers on the lake.

ice 6 - 7 inches

snowmobiles & atvs

Motorized mobility greatly expands the area anglers can comfortably target.

ice 8 - 10 inches

side by side

Ride in enclosed comfort to your preferred fishing spot.

ice 10 - 12 inches

side by sides and light wheelhouses

Dolly your wheelhouse out onto the lake for an overnight experience.

Fish House Rentals and Wheelhouse Traffic

NMLIF's wheelhouse rentals are brought out onto the lake first and are usually out by the first weekend in January.  Skid houses typically follow the same schedule, but the larger houses might be delayed another week or two.  Full vehicle and wheelhouse traffic is usually allowed by mid-January

ice 13 inches

1/2 Ton Pickup with Lighter Wheelhouses

Easier to get out onto the lake and to get back and forth from your fish house rental or wheelhouse.

ice 16 + inches

full traffic allowed

You can finally drive your diesel pickup and haul your large wheelhouse out onto the lake.

Season Wraps

Walleye angling generally closes at the end of February.  Mille Lacs Lake is what the Minnesota DNR refers to as Southern Inland Water which means that all ice fishing shelters must be removed from the lake during the first few days of March.  Some anglers will chase flags / use tip up to target northern pike in the shallows into March, but angling pressure decreases significantly and NMLIF no longer maintains ice roads.